Legal Terms

Blackbird Agency SaRL with capital of 10 000€
5 Avenue de la Marseillaise – Strasbourg 67000

Siret: 812 115 962 00027
Code APE 6201Z
VAT NO.: FR62812115962

Head Office:
5 Avenue de la Marseillaise – Strasbourg 67000 - France


All the elements published on the, and sites, in particular the texts, presentations, illustrations, photographs and layouts are, except for public documents and additional details, the exclusive intellectual property of Blackbird Agency.

As such, their representations, reproductions, interweavings, diffusions and redistributions, partial or total, are prohibited in accordance with the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code. Anyone who does so without being able to prove prior and express authorization from the holder of these rights shall be liable to the penalties relating to the offence of counterfeiting provided for in the Intellectual Property Code.

Personal data

In general, you can visit our website on the Internet without having to identify yourself and provide personal information about yourself. However, we may sometimes ask you for some information. For example, to process an order, establish a correspondence, or provide a subscription.

All information on the processing of personal data is available on this page.

General terms and conditions

General conditions of hosting service (fr)   PDF
General terms and conditions of sale of services (fr)   PDF
General terms and conditions of software sales (Magento extensions)