Monetico CM-CIC pour Magento 2

SKU P1016

Options personnalisables:

The complete, automated and secure payment solution


  • Credit card payments available in 1x, 2x, 3x and 4x.
  • Payment integrated to the site or redirection to the Monetico site.
  • 3D secure configuration on demand: activation, trigger amount...
  • National and international bank cards compatible: CB, Visa, EuroCard/MasterCard, American Express, Paypal.
  • 6 currencies available.
  • Flexibility on payment methods: immediate, deferred, fractional, partial, recurring, express.
  • Refunds directly from the Magento back office
  • Secure: DSP2 compatible, TSL encrypted link, anti-fraud module...


Read this page and our documentation to discover all the features



Monetico is also available for Magento 1!


Disponible pour ces versions :

  • 2.3
  • 2.4
Note d’information concernant la nouvelle directive Européenne DSP2

L'extension Monetico CM-CIC est désormais compatible avec la dernière version de 3D Secure (également appelée DSP2) !. Vous pouvez dès maintenant en profiter en l'achetant ou en la téléchargeant sur votre profil.

Monetico for Magento 2 by Blackbird

With continuous growth in recent years, accelerated by the health crisis that has seen consumption patterns adapt to successive confinements, e-commerce is a market that has a bright future ahead. While a growth of +17.9% has already been observed in 2019, this rate has risen to +24% in 2020.
It is estimated that by 2040, 95% of all purchases will be made online!

If you are reading this information, you don't need to be convinced by the tremendous opportunity that e-commerce represents for your business.
But did you know that the average shopping cart abandonment rate is estimated at 70%? It represents a potential loss of billions of dollars each year!
Among the obstacles to conversion, the fear of payment security is in second place.

In order to help you reassure your customers and accompany them until the finalization of their purchase, we conceived the Monetico solution for Magento 2. Our extension, unique and complete, is to date the best proposed for the integration of payments via the Crédit Mutuel group.
Designed to adapt to the evolving and demanding e-commerce market, our solution adapts to your needs, according to your activity and offers many payment options to your customers. It ensures easy payment management and reliability for your users, whether they are on desktop, tablet or mobile.

Be agile, specific and relevant for a payment process with an optimal conversion rate.


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In-store payment or redirection


    Depending on your needs, you can decide, through a fully automated process, if your customers will pay directly on your site or if they will be redirected to the Monetico site.

    #ExpertTip: We recommend that you use the TPE integrated with your website. This will allow you to keep your customers in your store by offering them an optimal user experience. In addition, you will be able to better track orders with Google Analytics or Tag Manager.

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National and international credit cards


    Accept national and international credit cards from the following networks:

    • CB Credit Card
    • Visa Visa
    • Eurocard mastercard EuroCard / MasterCard
    • American Express American Express
    • Paypal Paypal

    #Opportunity: 15-20% growth in cross-border commerce is expected by 2026. Source

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3D secure on demand


    Activate, deactivate or choose from which amount the 3DSecure will be activated. You have the choice between enabling it and minimizing fraud, or disabling it and avoiding possible friction leading to cart abandonment.

    The choice is yours or - even better - choose both by activating 3DSecure from a designated amount!

    #DidYouKnow: 61% of shopping cart abandonments are due to a too restrictive security level and 81% to slowdowns in the payment process. However, 86% of e-buyers say they are reassured by the 3D Secure system.

    #ExpertTips: be empathic to your customers, do A/B testing, track their user experience and analyze their feedback in order to choose as wisely as possible for the activation or not of the 3D secure.


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Offer payment in 1x, 2x, 3x or 4x!


    Offer your customers easy payment options by giving them the choice of paying in installments of up to 4 months through Cofidis. You will thus reach a new and growing customer segment, representing new sales opportunities.

    The Monetico extension allows you to configure a minimum and a maximum amount to trigger this option.

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Manage subscription packages with recurring payment


    In order to manage the payments of your subscription packages, Monetico offers recurring payment. Since it is not a native feature of Magento, we propose to develop this option specifically for your e-commerce site if you wish. For this nothing could be easier, contact us!

    → More information about recurring payment, directly on the Monetico website.

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Easy refund for the e-merchant


    In order to simplify your task and save you time, the extension allows you to refund customers who have paid by credit card, directly from the back office, without the need for any intervention on your part from the Monetico account.

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6 currencies available


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Several payment methods


    Our solution integrates the different payment methods proposed by Monetico, allowing you to offer payment facilities adapted to all your types of customers:

    • immediate
    • deferred
    • fractional
    • partial
    • recurring
    • express

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A completely secure solution


    Ensuring a highly secured payment process is critical to your customers and your credibility? Monetico understands this, and so do we!
    The solution covers the essential points of security:

    • TSL (Transport Layer Security) encrypted link,
    • PCI-DSS compliance
    • Card control and systematic authorization request
    • 3D Secure v2 control to authenticate the buyer during a card payment
    • Sending of a payment ticket.
    • Anti-fraud module

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