Automated Translator for Magento 2

SKU P2013

Customizable Options:

Gain and retain international customers with a fully translated website


  • Automatic and instantaneous translation with AI from DeepL
  • Translate any type of content: products, categories, blocks, pages...
  • Save time with mass translation of products and categories
  • Configuration of a specific and personalized glossary


Read this page and our documentation to discover all the features


Available for those versions:

  • 2.3
  • 2.4
  • Hÿva Compatible



Automated Translator by Blackbird


Did you know that English has a lower user growth rate than other languages, such as Chinese, Spanish, and Arabic? And that only less than 30% of the global Internet population speaks English? Do you still think it's a good idea to just translate your e-commerce store into English? Yes, but translating into multiple languages is complex and time consuming. Calling on specialized translators? It's expensive and you probably have other budget priorities.

Take control of this mission now with Automated Translator. Our solution for Magento 2 allows you, thanks to artificial intelligence, to quickly translate all fields, products, categories, blocks and pages, from the back-office. You still have control over your translations, since you can manually adjust the translation suggestions before they are executed and define a glossary of specific translations.

Not sure if translation should be a priority for you ? We will simply answer that offering a site in the language of each of your targets allows you to take care of local referencing, to gain the trust of your customers as well as their loyalty.

Thanks to this powerful international acquisition lever, you will create new business opportunities while providing a more accurate UX to your customers and users.

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    Translate your products


    By going to the store view of your choice, translate the fields related to your products by clicking on the popup. Select the destination language and translate your fields in a single click: 

    • Product Name
    • SKU
    • Content
    • Product Reviews
    • Alt Text (images)
    • URL Key
    • Metadata: Title, Keywords and Description
    • Customizable Options
    • Downloadable Information

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    Select the store view, then the desired category and click on the popup to get the translation proposal. You can translate the following fields :

    • Category Name
    • URL Key
    • Metadata: Title, Keywords and Description.

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    Why just translate products and categories when your visitors are looking at your entire site ? Automated Translator also allows you to translate :

    • Blocks: Block Title, Identifier, block editorial content
    • Pages: Page Title, Content Heading, editorial content of the page, URL Key and Metadata (Title, Keywords and Description)

    In order to provide maximum autonomy to your non-technical teams, you can add product and category attributes that you wish to translate from the back-office module configuration space.

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    Save even more time with mass translation features :

    • From the product management dashboard, select the products you want to work on and simply apply the "Mass Translate" action
    • From the category tree on the left, select the desired categories and click the "Mass Translate" button

    #Note: You can of course make your own corrections by reworking each of your products and categories.

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    Are there certain expressions or character strings that should not be translated or that should be translated in a certain way ? You can use a glossary to associate specific translations with terms or strings. You can add as many expressions as you like to this glossary. It is at your disposal so that you can adapt your translations as finely as possible.

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    For performance optimization purposes of your store, mass translations are managed in a queue. However, you can manually run Cron from your terminal with a simple command line.

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    Widely acclaimed by translation specialists and experts, DeepL is now a reference tool, offering accurate translations and relevant interpretation of expressions from one language to another. By accessing the DeepL API through our extension, you will have instantaneous automatic translations through 26 languages !

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