Front End Visual Merchandiser for Magento 2

SKU P2007

Customizable Options:

Easily organize your product catalog straight from a front view


  • Organization of products in categories by drag and drop
  • Modifications directly on the front view
  • Intuitive workspace: set aside, delete, add products
  • Mass movement of products
  • Easy creation, publication and modification of content in Back Office
  • Session system: save work in progress, share session with colleagues
  • Decision support with stock and sales information by product


Read this page and our documentation to discover all the features


Available for those versions:

  • 2.2
  • 2.3
  • 2.4



Front-End Visual Merchandiser by Blackbird


As a key element in the optimization of your e-commerce, e-merchandising is an essential lever for the profitability of your site. However, native Magento 2's features can make catalog management a tedious and time-consuming task. The "Front-End Visual Merchandiser" extension makes this task easier: from a front-end view, you can manage the layout of products, relative to each other, by a drag-and-drop system of product cards in the different categories.

This module meets both the marketing requirements of your business and the collaborative management of e-merchandising for your teams. The workspace allows you to quickly find, add, delete and set aside items in a category. The work session system gives you the opportunity to undo your actions to correct them, as well as to share your work with other team members before final validation.

Thanks to the intuitive drag & drop, you can easily take control of the product cards, in single or multiple selection. The stock and quantities sold data when you hover over the products will allow you to optimize the organization of your products according to your marketing and sales strategy.

Turn this unpleasant task into a new playful challenge!

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What you are working on is what your customers see


    This extension will save you from the mental gymnastics that, until now, represented the administration of e-merchandising for your site; working on the layout of items in categories without being able to visualize the final rendering is now over. You will now be able to work directly on a front view, faithful to the real rendering on the customer side. The energy saved in this task can thus be redistributed elsewhere.

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Make room for intuitiveness in your daily life!


    Our extension relies on a simple and intuitive drag-and-drop system to manage the layout of product cards. The manual action allows you to easily organize the different products in your categories. Click on the product card you want to manage and move it in the category page: up, down, right, left, diagonally….

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Aim for performance through collaborative working.


  • Whether your marketing department is composed of one or more collaborators, it may be useful to validate the new category configuration before publishing it.
    Designed for multi-user management, the "Front-End Visual Merchandiser" extension allows you to save and share work sessions.

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Increase efficiency with peace of mind


    Magento being a powerful CMS with the capacity to manage large catalogs, we are well aware that managing your differentMagento being a powerful CMS with the capacity to manage large catalogs, we are well aware that managing your different categories can be a long-term process. To make it easier for you to manage this mission, save your work through a session system and go back to cancel an action.
    You can therefore be interrupted at any time in your task without being affected!

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Finally, match your marketing actions and your business objectives!


    We know that your e-merchandising strategy is based on an analysis of your business data and a study of the seasonality of your market, for example.
    So that you have all the tools at your disposal directly from your workspace, hovering over a product card shows you its available stock and sales data.

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Safety first


    Our team has designed this module to make your job easier and support you all the way. An alert will warn you in these following cases:

    • If your list is not complete or too full: the risk is that the existing configuration will shift from the following pages
    • If your workspace or trash bin are not empty: the risk is that these remaining products are the result of an oversight... oops!

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Clarity and transparency


    Enable or disable the debug mode of the extension, in order to generate logs in the browser console. This will allow you to identify any error more easily and quickly, thanks to the details of the operations carried out.

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