GDPR Compliance for Magento 1

SKU P1300

Customizable Options:

Reassure your customers with an RGPD compliant website


  • Allow your customers to export, delete or anonymize their data
  • Management of this data is also possible from the Back Office
  • Creation of a data management page in the customer account
  • Personalization of informative texts


Read this page and our documentation to discover all the features


Last published version


Available for those versions:

  • CE 1.5
  • CE 1.6
  • CE 1.7
  • CE 1.8
  • CE 1.9

  • EE 1.11
  • EE 1.12
  • EE 1.13
  • EE 1.14
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  • Maintaining Customer Data in the Back Office

    You can delete or anonymize contact data directly in your "Customers" tab.

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For your customers



    Create a data maintenance page in the customer account

    With the necessary fields and the options you have defined.

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  • Customizable options

    Manage the texts displayed in case of deletion or anonymization, the time it takes to delete an account, ask for a reason why the user wants to delete his account ...

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  • Let your customers think

    When your customers want to delete their accounts, you can give them a period of time to think about it, and give them the choice of restoring access to the account.

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  • Data export

    Your customers will be able to view and export the data you have collected about them.

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