Customer Item Stock Alert for Magento 2

SKU P2004

Customizable Options:

Increase your sales with product back in stock notification


  • Create alerts for specific product pivot attributes
  • Automate the sending of alerts by e-mail
  • Configuration of the Cron task from the Back Office
  • Creation of alerts for guests
  • Export of the alert administration grid in CSV format
  • Compatible with all default product types managed by Magento 2
  • MSI compatible


Read this page and our documentation to discover all the features


Last published version


Available for those versions:

  • 2.2
  • 2.3
  • 2.4


Customer Item Stock Alert by Blackbird


Maintaining your visibility, adjusting your SEO strategy, attracting visitors, increasing the traffic of your online store ... So much marketing effort, energy and time wasted, because your visitors, frustrated to find their desired articles, out of stock, immediately leave your site.
How to avoid this situation, experienced by every e-merchant, while optimizing your returns on investments?

Simply turn those lost sales into new business opportunities with our Customer Item Stock Alert ! This Magento 2’s extension allows you to configure from the back-office back-in-stock alerts for your out-of-stock items, even for products whose parent item still has stock on some of its child items.

How does our solution work?

  1. Easily define the module parameters from your administration back office
  2. Your customer or visitor indicates the email address to which he wishes to be alerted when the item is back in stock, from the pop-up box displayed on the product sheet
  3. The new subscription to alerts is displayed in your administration grid available from the back office of your store
  4. Readjust, or not, your stocks based on subscription requests, depending on your strategy
  5. The customer receives an email notification as soon as the desired item is back in stock and can therefore place his order
  6. Export the administration grid in CSV format in order to analyze the most requested products, define product seasonality, adjust your stocks, etc.
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Compatible with all types of default products managed by Magento 2


    • Simple products
    • Configurable products
    • Grouped products
    • Virtual products
    • Bundles
    • Downloadable products

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Boost your turnover


    With the automated sending of alerts when products selected by your visitors and customers are back in stock, turn the loss of customers interested in unavailable products into new sales opportunities..
    The subscription administration grid, exportable in CSV format, also allows you to adjust and refine your inventory management strategy. This will help you avoid remaining stocks of unwanted items and allow sufficient stock of the most popular items to avoid the risk of downtime in the future.

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Adjust your marketing strategy with unbeatable responsiveness


    Export the alert administration grid to collect statistics that can be used by your marketing and sales teams. You will thus be able to identify purchasing behavior, consumption trends, product seasonality and thus more precisely adapt your marketing strategy, in particular through relevant e-merchandising.

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Relieve your customer service and optimize UX


    Bring information to your customers and visitors where they are. You'll avoid inbound calls and emails about return stock issues and improve your customers' experience for easier retention.

    Other features that facilitate customer relationship management:

    • You do not need to register to access the alert pop-up box; simple visitors can also create an alert.
    • If a customer contacts you to cancel their alert, delete it in 2 clicks from the administration grid in the back office

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Maintain the performance of your store


    Out-of-stock products are a real problem for an e-commerce site: when a visitor clicks on a link that points to an unavailable item, he risks leaving your site immediately if no solution is provided. Your bounce rate increases dramatically. Moreover, if this behavior is repeated a certain number of times, the crawl bots are likely to downgrade the page.
    By allowing your visitor to enter his email address to create an alert, you will keep him on your site longer and also bring him more easily to browse the rest of your catalog.

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Save time!


    Intuitive and easy to handle, the administration interface in your back office allows you to quickly manage subscriptions created and easily follow sent notifications. Automation of the sending for back-in-stock notifications is also a huge time saver, for which your teams will thank you.

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MSI compatible


    Available since Magento version 2.3, multi-source inventory can also be managed with the Customer Item Stock Alert extension.

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