Restriction Payment Method for Magento 2

SKU P2009

Customizable Options:

Optimize your checkout conversion rate by displaying only available payment methods


  • Choose to disable or rename specific payment methods
  • Multiple combinations of display conditions for precise targeting
  • Based on Magento's native conditional tree
  • Scheduling of your rules
  • Dashboard for centralized management of rules


Read this page and our documentation to discover all the features


Available for those versions:

  • 2.3
  • 2.4



Restriction Payment Method by Blackbird


As the last step of the purchase process, the checkout is certainly the most crucial, since it completes the conversion process.

In order to prevent your visitors from dropping out, make sure you provide them with all the information they need to make a purchase, while simplifying their life. This extension is one of the key that will allow you to carry out this mission.

If you have already defined promotional rules from the Magento back-office, you will not need any time to get started. Otherwise, it will be easy for you to understand the logic.

From the native conditional tree of Magento, define rules for displaying payment methods. By product, by cart composition, by customer group, by store view or even by delivery information: the extension offers you multiple possibilities of condition combinations for a truly personalized checkout.

Be flexible and specific on payment methods and provide your customers with a smooth and seamless shopping experience.

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  • Restrict everything in flexibility.

    Based on the native Magento conditional tree, the Restriction Payment Method extension allows you to set payment method display restrictions based on many parameters.

    Set specific conditions:

    • Per product in the cart: attribute set, category, SKU...
    • Per cart: subtotal, total quantity of items...
    • By delivery information: delivery method, postal code, region, country...
    • By customer group
    • By store view. 

    Create as many combinations of conditions as you need in order to fine-tune your restriction. Once your conditions are set up, define the associated action in a few clicks. The extension allows you to disable or rename a specific payment method. To make it easier for you, a dynamic table displays the available payment methods.

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  • Bring a personalized experience with a checkout that converts.

    At the heart of e-commerce, the personalization of the customer experience is what allows you to differentiate yourself in a competitive market. With good customer knowledge, based on regular data collection on customer identity and their behavior, tailor the information you provide to your customer segment. Target with accuracy for a checkout that keeps your visitor's interest and simplifies their purchasing decision.

    Here are some examples of privileges you could set up:

    • For your B2B customers who order large quantities, allow them to pay by bank transfer.
    • For your customers located in South Africa, Ivory Coast, Guinea, offer them payment by MTN Mobile Money (MoMo).
    • For purchases below a certain amount, choose Paypal-type quick payments, excluding bank transfers for example.

    With the Restriction Payment Method extension, personalization is finally within your reach, and with just a few clicks!

    #Note: Please take into account that the Restriction Payment Method extension allows you to act on the payment methods available on your store. You will need to deploy the payment methods you want to modify in your rules therefore.

    #Fact 1: 93% of companies that apply personalization notice an increase in their conversion rate, according the Conversion Rate Optimization Report, by Econsultancy et RedEye.

    #Fact 2: 59% of consumers say their purchases have been greatly influenced by personalization, according to the Rethinking Retail Study, by Infosys.

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  • Plan your tasks for more serenity.

    You can define a start and end date for your conditional rules.
    You can therefore optimize your work time by anticipating activity peaks. These rules can also be modified and updated, so you can adjust your strategy at any time and make it evolve over time.

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  • Keep in touch with your customers


    You are not infallible!

    It happens that some of your customers may not access any payment method after you configured several conditional rules. 

    With our extension, configure a message in the back-office for your users in such cases. This good UX practice will reassure your customers and maintain their trust in your brand.

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  • Restrict everything in flexibility.

    Based on the native Magento conditional tree, the Restriction Payment Method extension allows you to set payment method display restrictions based on many parameters.

    Set specific conditions:

    • Per product in the cart: attribute set, category, SKU...
    • Per cart: subtotal, total quantity of items...
    • By delivery information: delivery method, postal code, region, country...
    • By customer group
    • By store view. 

    Create as many combinations of conditions as you need in order to fine-tune your restriction. Once your conditions are set up, define the associated action in a few clicks. The extension allows you to disable or rename a specific payment method. To make it easier for you, a dynamic table displays the available payment methods.

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