Chekout Custom Message for Magento 2

SKU P2010

Customizable Options:

Customize targeted and convincing messages in the Checkout


  • Multiple combinations of display conditions
  • Based on the native conditional tree of Magento
  • Choice between displaying a simple text or a custom block
  • Customizable layout in the page, and at different steps of the checkout
  • Planning of your rules
  • Dashboard for centralized management of rules


Read this page and our documentation to discover all the features


Available for those versions:

  • 2.3
  • 2.4



Checkout Custom Message by Blackbird


Are you fearing cart abandon? Would you like to increase article cart? From the possible optimization, we propose to display in the checkout process, or in the different stage of your choice, a custom message.


Create display rules for your messages, based on the native Magento structure tree. Then, restrict the view of an automatic message, by product attribute, by cart composition, by delivery information, by website or even by group of clients in order to address the correct message to the right segment of client.

A lot of combinations of restrictions are possible, and you can define them depending on your e-commerce strategy!


Simple text or customized block, let your creativity speak to fulfill your intentions, whether they are informative or commercial. You can also control where they automatically render by setting up their position in the checkout zone.


  • Your customer added to cart articles from an eco-responsible product line? Insert a message in the checkout reminding them the strong values of these products in order to comfort them in their choice.
  • Your customer chose a specific method of delivery while the activity period is at peak, and you know that this carrier has a high risk of saturation? Advise them to select another carrier for them to be delivered quicker if they wish. You can even recommend a promotional code to guide them to that choice!

Today, a successful shopping experience is as beneficial to your customer as it is to you, since it promotes customer loyalty.


As for the promotional catalog or cart rules, you also have the possibility of making these display rules active only in specific dates range. Simply choose a needed starting and ending date.


As you know by now, this Magento 2 extension is highly configurable and so intuitive that you will wonder how did you manage to get pass it until now.

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  • A targeted message for optimized efforts


    For a delicate customization of your messages, we offer different levels of adjustment. Define the display conditions by:

    • product attribute: category, price, SKU, material, size, style, etc.
    • cart: cart amount, total articles count, total weight, etc.
    • delivery information: country of destination, zipcode, method of delivery, etc.
    • website: depending of the devises proposed on your online shop.

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  • Awareness, promotion or simple indication?


    We are absolutely certain that you have an infinite panel of ideas and messages to communicate to your clients. You need to know that you have 2 format possibilities to create them:

    • a text field: why so complicated while we can simplify it? Go to the essential with any information you can input in the field, and that’s it!
    • a block: create your block with the Magento 2 native feature, then indicates your id block in the corresponding field in the configuration of your display rule. In addition, with the PageBuilder integration to the OpenSource version of Magento since the v2.4.3, creating block is now so easy!

    Depending on your commercial goals, you will be able to realize informative messages or conversion oriented. Our extension was built to provide the maximum level of flexibility in the configuration and allows you to adapt your messages to your brand identity.

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  • When and where? You tell us!


    From your rule configuration, select the display area of your message. You can find more information in the dedicated documentation.

    You will need to choose at what stages in the order process you want to display your message:

    • in the cart
    • in the checkout steps: in the order summary, at the step to input delivery information, at the step to input payment information. Note that you can select one or two of these steps, or select them all by clicking on ‘all’ in the dedicated field.
    • On the order confirmation page.
    • On the failed order page.

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  • Time is money… save it and earn it!


    Peacefully create your display restrictions thanks to the planning rules manager feature. For each of them, you have the possibility to define a starting date and an end date, if necessary. Thereby, you can schedule your messages in advance or make them validate before publishing.
    The same way, it won’t be necessary to remind yourself to deactivate your rule from a specific date, because all you will need to do is to define an end date while configuring it.

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  • Simplify the act of purchase with a custom checkout


    You’re asking yourself why be satisfied with the restriction of the display messages? We asked ourselves the same question, and that’s why we suggest 2 additional extensions for the Checkout Custom Message.

    Restriction Payment Method
    Bring the correct information to the affected customers with this extension that allows you to restrict the display of the payment methods and rename them. You will then avoid offering a payment method available only in Africa, to your customers located in Switzerland.

    Restriction Shipping Method
    On the same concept, choose within the back-office, the shipping methods to display in the checkout, depending on your customer profile and their purchase. You will be able to define conditional rules where you could deactivate a delivery method, change the fee, or rename it.


    So as to ease the usage of these 3 solutions, we centralized their configuration from a unique area. This interface brings you in a flash all the useful information:

    • Condition type: payment, shipping, checkout message
    • Start and end date
    • Status: active/inactive
    • The websites where the rules are on
    • The priority level

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