Drag & Drop / Appearance




Product List CSS selector

CSS selector to target your HTML element representing Wrapper element of your product List (

    or other)
    Default : .product-items

Product Item CSS selector

CSS selector to target your HTML element representing one Item of your List (

  • or other)
    Default : .product-item

  • Window Default Position

    Allowed values : “left” or “right”

    The VM Panel will be shown at this position when loaded.

    Window Width

    Panel size in percentage of your window size.

    Window Covering

    Set how the VM panel is inserted in your page. Allowed values: “sticky” or “fixed”

    Additional CSS

    Allow to add Custom CSS, loaded only when VM is enable on the page. This CSS can allow you to make your theme compatible with the VM Extension and to be displayed properly.

    Product item tag

    Define which HTML tag is used to wrap one new item issued after Drag-n-drop action, from Search, Stack or Trash.

    Product Attributes used in template

    List all attributes used in the following Template configuration

    Product item template

    HTML Template defining how a new item is shown, when issued after Drag-n-drop action, from Search, Stack or Trash.

    Product Image Width

    Product image width for new item

    Product Image Height

    Product image height for new item

    Product Preload Limit

    The VM Extension needs to load a certain amount of data to be initiated. In order to avoid Timeout due to too many products affected in a category, you can limit how many products are preloaded and really manipulated by the front-end. For example, if you have 15 items per page and want to focus your work on the first 10 pages of your categories, set a limit of 150.

    Product Name Attribute

    For Search purposes. Set the attribute code representing the product name.

    Product SKU Attribute

    For Search purposes. Set the attribute code representing the product reference.
