General / Data Injection



Enable or disable the extension

Enable Debug

Allow to enable Debug mode.
This adds additional output in the debug console of your browser, in order to identify some errors and have more details of your actions.

Data Injection Strategy

To work, the VM Extension needs to know which are the products IDs in your page. You can choose how you want this requirement to be processed : 

  • Manually : add HTML attribute :
    In your HTML element which wrap your product item (usually
  • tag)
  • Automatically, using Blocks we use to have in a category page : Block Reviews, Block Details, Block AddTo (wishlist, compare)

Stock Qty

Enable or not data when mouse over products concerning your stock quantity.
Not available with Grouped or Bundle products.
This might affect VM extension performance.

Ordered Qty

Enable or not data when mouse over products concerning your sold quantity.
The search is made on all orders no regarding date limitation.
Not available with Grouped or Bundle products.
This might affect VM extension performance.

